Some of them write so beautifully. They find places like and tublr to post their work on. "Who needs publishers anymore?" They don't see it as "works of art" either: just as thoughts. Truth is, we don't know what this "movement" will be called in the future. Post-apocolyptic? Post-post-modern? New Age? What?!
Just because we're not published doesn't mean we're not good.
Here are some of today's young people, writing deep, meaningful things that aren't expected of them, as encouragement that we can do more than expectations allow.
There's a certain way people use words.
We've all felt it. Perhaps we haven't accomplished it, but we've experienced it.
Something in the way it reads, something in the words and how they're meshed.
It can start your heart going, give you hope.
Sometimes it's in the way someone did the music in a movie.
Sometimes it's that youtube video that you walked away from, changed.
People use it to get money, popularity, sympathy…you name it.
But when someone, somewhere out there in our gigantic world, whom we've never met, seen, or heard of, writes or videos something we can't ignore. . .
You can Facebook it, Tweet it, Pin it, Share it, Like it, Follow it, Subscribe to it, you can do whatever you like.
There's hope for our generation.
Not in memes, games, quotes, music, pictures, sayings, people, stars, celebrities, movies, pop-culture. . .
In us.
"We are the target market.
We set the corporate target.
But, we are slaves of what we want. " – Switchfoot
What are we doing to ourselves?
Sitting here, doing nothing, learning nothing, talking about nothing, fighting and debating about nothing, voicing our opinions about nothing, buying nothing, selling nothing, convincing people that nothing is worth your time.
Nothing is worth your time.
None of it.
I can't tell you this and have you believe it. You have to choose to believe it. You know it deep inside yourself.
Wasted lives.
Whispers come every time you click the screen, with every video you watch. Another 5 minutes, another 10. One more episode. One more fandom.
Leave a comment. Share your thoughts. "What's on your mind?" Update your status. Log in. Sign up.
They command us.
We are slaves of what we want.
There is hope for our generation.
We could be so much more than this.
So much more than internet sensations.
We just have to want it.
~ Anonymous
Black Prisms
They're dying
The living are choosing
They have forgotten
That they are living
So they die
They don't even see
The others who are dying
For they are
Obsessed with their own deaths
That they
So they've died then.
Blind to their own prisms.
When will they live?
~ Blaise Cornell
I hear the water dripping
And I think I can relate
My mind is floating away
Drop by drop by drop
And I think I can relate
As the ripples flow further
Drop by drop by drop
I slowly slip away
And I think I can relate
My mind is flowing away
As the ripples flow further
I hear the water dripping
~taztazhi on deviantart
Each have meanings behind them that truly only the author can understand. Others can only guess, trying to understand. Some things are easy, some are more difficult, but they are each in their own way interpretable.
They draw and write and create these beautiful things; I read them! I look at them! I see them and they are wonderfully beautiful!
Not comparing you to Shakespeare.
Not comparing you to Van Gogh.
Not comparing you to anyone else in the whole history of the world, not even your friends.
God gave you this mind that you pull apart in so many ways to invent whatever you like.
Imagination is one of the greatest of the gifts.
Why does our generation, our society imagine everything for us?
Just a thought.
~ Kendall
Friday, August 30, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
~ Impossibility ~
Upon starting school again, I've re-realized just how incredibly lost the world is. The words these authors write in these history books. . . are not truth. They're not the truth I know as fact in the deepest part of me.
We were formed from dust,
In perfect, unspoiled life,
and then we, in our own selfish desires,
died; we fell into the temptation of sin.
But God, rich in mercy, made us alive through the death of his Son.
Alive through death.
No news is greater than this. Nothing is better. Nothing will endure longer than the story of Jesus Christ.
Nothing is more impossible.
And that's why the whole world tries to put it out of their minds. They throw away their Bibles or leave them untouched on the shelf. They persecute the Christian. They can't fathom what, who, or why.
One day, they will understand, and we keep that day in mind as we pray for and pursue the lost in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and our Savior.
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