Tuesday, September 10, 2013

~ New Blog Site ~


I'm moving the Keeper's Crusade to this place:

The Keeper's Crusade

Ya know. Just to change it up a bit. I like the simplicity of Wordpress, and I've heard some really great stuff about it, so I decided to finally make the switch.

This one will be left alone with all the old posts, but new posts will go on the new site.
Thanks guys!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

~ Covered ~

This year, I have taken to printing out quotes and charts and things and taping them to my walls. It started with movie tickets (even dating back to "Herbie: Fully Loaded," "The Polar Express," and "Princess Diaries 2"), but eventually evolved into quotes I enjoy or charts of other languages. On the doors there are stickers from the days of Lego League, drawings I sketched for fun that turned out better than I thought they would, and a few songs that mean more than they should. 
The walls themselves are covered in posters of movies and games, quotes and Bible verses, and the occasional Mumford and Sons lyric. There's a canvas photo of ships harboured, and a calendar whose first few months are filled with daily quotes from what happened that day. Directly across there's a bulletin board, with graduation pictures of good friends and a newspaper clipping. On another whiteboard, the symbols and runes that I understand, because I've read the book, or seen the movies, or beat the game. 
One day my brother asked why I have completely covered my walls with seemingly useless quotes from Manfred and a poem by Dylan Thomas. 
I told him that my room is the only place where I can take what's in my mind and splash it all over the walls. It's the only place I can write everything down and draw every picture and tell every story. I won't stop until I can't see the color of the walls through the color of the ink behind the tape.