Saturday, December 17, 2011

~ On Days Like Today ~

On days like today, I run into the bathroom, shut the door, and crank the hairdryer on high. I pretend I'm outside on a warm summer day with the cool breeze blowing on my face. I'm swinging from an oak tree on a swing made of wood and rope. But I am not alone. My Father in heaven comes and swings with me, not saying a word, and silently comforts me in times of need. We swing, back and forth and back and forth. I wish it would never end. But then, my eyes open and the only thing I see is that hairdryer in front of me, and it's December. It's cloudy. It's cold. But as I turn to leave, one thing is still the same as in my fantasy. God is with me. Silently comforting me in times of need. ~ Kendall

Monday, December 5, 2011

~ Pictures Worth Thousands of Songs ~

Pictures speak louder than words, and are worth more than just words.
Even on days when we can't find him...
He is there. ~Kendall