Friday, August 31, 2012

~ End of the Beginning ~

Well, this is my sophomore year in high-school. It's supposedly my hardest year of high-school (which, I might add, I could not agree more with), and probably will continue to be. It seems to me, that this second year is like a:
"Welcome to the end of the beginning, and the beginning of the end" kind of thing. Like, an entire chapter in my life is over. Now it's not as though I've just finished middle-school or that I'm graduating high-school, or any real landmark in my walk through life, but at the same time it feels like a big one. I think since Advance (which was also right when I started school), the conversations have been different. Every single one! Email ones, real ones, text-message ones...every conversation has pointed me in some way or another to the Lord. Now, I feel like each and every day I'm truly immersed in the gospel, even when I forget my daily Bible reading in the rush of the day, I still see through the eyes of a Christian. Everything that happens points back, in some crazy way, to God. It's so amazing to see like this! I was a "Christian" for a long time, but at my first Advance I felt a new awareness, an assurance, unlike anything before. ADV. 2012 was my fourth Advance, and I still feel like I've reached a deeper level of faith and assurance. Truth is, we'll never stop growing in the gospel and reaching deeper levels, as long as we're in Christ, which will be forever. All these things are the evident grace of the Lord in my life, as well as everyone else's. My heart beats faster just thinking about it. :) I could scream it from rooftops, or I could quietly sit in a corner and treasure it in my heart. I've been treasuring it in my corner for's time I scream it from rooftops. Praise God, Jesus is alive!

The greatest day in history, Death is beaten
You have rescued me
Sing it out Jesus is alive
The empty cross, The empty grave
Life eternal You have won the day
Shout it out Jesus is alive
He's alive

Oh happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away
Oh happy day, happy day
I'll never be the same
Forever I am changed

When I stand, in that place
Free at last, meeting face to face
I am Yours Jesus You are mine
Endless joy, perfect peace
Earthly pain finally will cease
Celebrate Jesus is alive
He's alive!

Tell it on the mountains.
~ Kendall

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