Friday, January 25, 2013

~ And So, We Continue On ~

Oh my. What a sobering week. And yet, I honestly haven't felt this happy in a very long time. My friends and I are getting deeper in our biblical fellowship, and wouldn't you know it, we're all getting older. I know I post about age and time and days all the time, and most of it is nostalgic for the old times, but turning your head to the future can be just as exciting, only in a different way.

Brianna, you are such a pretty girl. But - thought it is admirable - it's not what I admire about you. Your heart for the Lord is. You're so encouraging and we've become so close over the past few years. I hope the fact that you are graduating doesn't mean that we won't be as close, but that it will only bring us closer to each other and to the Lord in our studies.

Hannah, the same goes to you, girl. You're 15, which is crazy to me. You can listen to that Taylor Swift song. You're going to drive! We have grown so close, especially since Advance, and I hope that 2013 only brings us closer.

I love you both so much, and you've been like sisters to me, which means so much, because I don't have any. :)

And so, we continue on. Going about our business. Talking, texting, planning, scheduling, trying to keep a regular agenda, but I have one prayer.

Lord, interrupt my plans! Take control of my day and show me what it means to truly obey. Obedience is only true obedience when it's hard to do.

I like regular things. Constant things. Not exactly the same every day, for that would drive me insane, but the same basic principles each day. As I have said many times before, change is always hard, but now I find myself longing for it. Not longing for change exactly, but something clearly and truly from God each day. Not a day goes by where I don't want to hear his voice again.

I cannot simply go back into the haze of days going by without anything significant in each and every one, because - as I have come to realize - each one is so precious. It's a gift, not to be taken for granted.

I hope you guys have a great day.
(Even though the snow and ice might totally mess up your epic plans. :/ Hey, maybe it was providence. ;) )

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