Wednesday, September 7, 2011

~ Guest Post by Neeley ~

“True love stories never have endings.” _Richard Bach Love is is a misused term. We say we love things that We don't mean. What do we really love? Every girl wants to feel loved. But often, we look for love in all the wrong places. As teenagers we are tempted to look for love in ungodly relationships and passions. That's how our world sees love. Something not permanent. Love and marriage are gifts, but they are something worth waiting for. Now we should guard our hearts. We should first seek his love and his kingdom and one day he will give us a husband. Right now we are crazy teenagers who aren't mature enough to have a relationship. We should pray and wait, cause God will one day provide us with a husband who was worth all the waiting. "The will of God is never exactly what you expect it to be. It may seem to be much worse, but in the end it's going to be a lot better and a lot bigger." — Elisabeth Elliot The greatest gift you can give your husband one day is the fact you kept everything down to your first kiss for him. You can say you waited for him. I know this might seem impossible, but it's going to be worth every minute. Now I am not saying you can't like boys. Liking boys is natural and totally okay. I think some girls think it's wrong to have feelings for somebody in particular, when truly if that's fine...til you proclaim it to the world. That kinda stuff you talk to your Mom and super close friends about. Every girl and boy experiences crushes in different seasons of their life. Often we can't help liking someone. My advice? PRAY! This stuff is lovely as long as it doesn't make you lose sight of true love. We already have the greatest Love. He died for us and despite the fact we once hated him, he calls His beloved! Dreams...they have to die. I mean Dreams are okay as long as they don't leave your head. And as long as dreams don't become your reality and your not open to His will. Personally, I am so excited to see what God has for me in the next chapters on the story of my life. I am waiting for my wedding day far away. On our wedding day we will finally understand that it's worth waiting for. Now, we pray... we wait...we surrender ourselves in our every action. It makes me so sad to see teens looking for love in relationships that won't last forever. Only one love will last. A love that you already have. I like to see it as you are betrothed. You already have a husband picked out for you. You are promised to him. So act like you are betrothed. Keep everything for him. It's hard waiting but the will of God is beyond anything we can imagine. He is Great. Neeley A. Moore


  1. Hello Sweet girl,

    Lovely post. Something the Lord has revealed to me over time is the aspect you mentioned in the last bit of your post. Live as if your future husband could see you. Would he feel honored by your actions, words, and how you interact with the other young men around you?

    Also, what if later on in life you were to meet one of the wives of your childhood guy friends. Will she be able to walk up to you and say "Thank you for caring for my husband as a brother in the Lord and spurring him on in his relationship with the Lord"? Makes one think, doesn't it?

    Just some food for thought..again, this was beautiful post. :)

  2. This is a mess. The formatting (copy and paste, yo!) and
    Ungodly relationships and passions, aka crushes. The pain!
    "Often we can't help liking someone. My advice? PRAY!"
